The Importance of Acid/Alkaline Balance
Over-acidity is very common today. It gives rise to an internal environment conducive to disease, as opposed to a pH balanced environment which allows the body to resist disease.

My Journey With Adrenal Fatigue
My story begins with a genetic predisposition to weak adrenals, a lifelong compulsion to over-achieve, and both interest and talent in MANY areas. Add to that an extremely strong will, MANY years of working on my feet in physically demanding jobs, some pretty dysfunctional relationships, and being a full time, single “super” mom, and you begin to get the picture…

The Toxic Effects of Stress
Stress is the accumulation of normal and abnormal pressures of daily living that test the individual's ability to cope. Chronic stress - real or perceived, physical, emotional, or environmental - takes a tremendous toll on the body, mind, and spirit, and is a major cause of disease and even death. When the body's stress response is always on, the constant surge of chemicals and the increase in heart rate and blood pressure causes the stress to become "toxic" in both the brain and the body.

Declutter, Organize, & Reset For The New Year
Studies show that there’s a wide range of benefits that come from decluttering and organizing your home. These include a sharpened focus, boosted mood, and a positive wave of productivity. Decluttering and organizing stuff gives you greater control of your life, energy, and finances while eliminating stress. It allows you to rediscover what you already own, donate or sell what you no longer need, and have your home looking its best.

Start The New Year With A Nutritional Cleanse
One common mistake is doing the wrong type of detox for the season. There is a rhythmic flow by which our bodies naturally tend toward throughout each different season. The traditional diets at each time of year change in conformity with our body’s needs at that time.

Spring Cleanse Your Body, Mind, & Spirit
Spring is here and, once again, so is my desire to clear out all of the clutter and clean everything. In addition to cleaning up around our homes, this is also the perfect time to clear away toxins that clutter our bodies on the inside as well. After a long winter of indulging in heavier foods, breathing poor quality indoor air, and having less sunlight and less physical activity than usual, we can find ourselves feeling heavy, tired, sluggish, and toxic. A spring cleanse offers us the perfect opportunity to replenish, recharge, and renew ourselves on every level.

February Nature Adventures
All of us need to unwind and clear our minds from time to time… now more than ever! I love to take a break regularly from the busyness of life and spend some extended time walking, hiking, or taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature - I call them “self-care adventure days”. And I love to capture photographs of nature at its best - just the way God created it - to share, uplift, and inspire others to do the same. Enjoy!

Why You Can’t Rely On Willpower To Eat Healthy
Have you ever heard of "decision fatigue"? The more decisions we make, the less likely we are to make good decisions. So minimize your options and make decisions easier... Create a weekly meal plan to lighten your load of daily decisions. Have a list of go-to restaurants for business lunches in every neighborhood, so you don't have to stress over finding the best ones every time. The devil is in the details".

The Truth About Alcohol
While it is generally thought that occasional or moderate use (2-3 drinks per week) is beneficial to our health, more can lead to addiction, emotional problems, and many degenerative problems. And the most recent research now suggests that there is no “safe” level of alcohol consumption and every glass increases cancer and heart disease risk.

Make Self-Care a Priority
Each February 14th we celebrate Valentine's Day - a day when we express our love and appreciation to the people we care about. What is little known is that the day before, February 13th, is the International Day of Self Love - a day to express that same love and appreciation to ourselves first!

January Nature Adventures
All of us need to unwind and clear our minds from time to time… now more than ever! I love to take a break regularly from the busyness of life and spend some extended time walking, hiking, or taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature - I call them “self-care adventure days”. And I love to capture photographs of nature at its best - just the way God created it - to share, uplift, and inspire others to do the same. Enjoy!

JoAnn’s Chicken Soup Recipe
Although many have tried to pinpoint exactly how chicken soup works as a medicinal food item, the healing powers still remain largely a mystery. At the very least, chicken soup with vegetables contains lots of healthy nutrients that are easy to digest and assimilate, increases hydration, and tastes good too!

Drink Lots of Pure Water
Next to oxygen, water is the most necessary substance for life. It composes 75% of your brain, 83% of your blood, and 75% of your muscles. It regulates body temperature, helps convert food to energy, helps your body absorb nutrients, carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells, protects your joints and cushions your vital organs, keeps skin looking young, protects your heart, helps burn fat, prevents constipation, decreases fatigue, flushes out toxins, and helps control calorie intake. It's easy to see then that not drinking enough water can be the cause of many different health problems.

What’s In Your Water?
If you think the water you are drinking is just H2O, think again! Unfiltered tap water is toxic due to both known and unknown contaminants. According to some studies, a staggering 75,000 chemical compounds have been found in our water. Many of these chemicals are harmful and can create health problems.The most commonly known are chlorine, fluoride, lead, industrial waste, pesticides, and microbiological diseases.

23 Days To A Healthier You!
Whether you are new to cleansing, an old pro, or just want to tune-up your diet, the Principles of Healthy MADE EASY - 23 DAYS TO A HEALTHIER YOU program is a gentle, easy, effective, and pleasurable way to cleanse the body from the inside out and transition to a more healthy way of eating for the rest of your life.

Dieting vs. Lifestyle
Making lifestyle changes are key to long term weight control and overall health. It's about lining up your eating and physical exercise with your real goals and desires. Be it cancer, weight loss, or just feeling better about one's self, a lifestyle change provides the most effective and sustainable result.

Are Your Personal Care Products Toxic?
"If you thought the FDA does a subpar job in regulating what goes into our food supply, you'll be equally appalled, if not more, on its regulation of cosmetic and personal care products. The same way you look at food labels, you should do the same for your beauty products." ~ Vanessa Cunningham, Nutrition & Wellness Expert

My Fort Bragg Birthday Adventure
Fort Bragg is a tiny coastal town 150 miles north of San Francisco. You’ll find the roar of city traffic is replaced by the soothing sounds of ocean waves. Their city lights are bright stars in a black sky. The air is fresh; the water clean and clear. Secluded beaches, walks to waterfalls, dog parks, and horseback beach rides thrive. Whales live there year-around, birding abounds, and if its redwoods you want to see, then Fort Bragg is the place to be.

What Is Calorie Density & Why Is It Important?
"Calorie density is the simplest approach to healthful eating and lifelong weight management. This common sense approach to sound nutrition allows for lifelong weight management without hunger, more food for fewer calories, and is easy to understand and follow. In addition, by following the principles of calorie density, you will also increase the overall nutrient density of your diet."

Practicing Gratitude In Hard Times
Robert Emmons, Ph.D, and the world’s leading expert on gratitude, states that it is easy to feel grateful for the good things, but no one feels grateful when times are bad. He goes on to say that it is vital to make a distinction between feeling grateful and being grateful. We cannot easily will ourselves to feel grateful, but being grateful is a choice. And when disaster strikes being grateful provides a perspective from which we can view our life in its entirety and not be overwhelmed by temporary circumstances. He also says that this perspective is hard to achieve - but totally worth it!