Drink Lots of Pure Water

"Water is fundamental to all life on earth." ~ Elson Haas, M.D.

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Next to oxygen, water is the most necessary substance for life. It composes 75% of your brain, 83% of your blood, and 75% of your muscles. It regulates body temperature, helps convert food to energy, helps your body absorb nutrients, carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells, protects your joints and cushions your vital organs, keeps skin looking young, protects your heart, helps burn fat, prevents constipation, decreases fatigue, flushes out toxins, and helps control calorie intake. It's easy to see then that not drinking enough water can be the cause of many different health problems.

Drink 8-12 glasses of pure water daily to stay hydrated and help dilute and eliminate toxins.

We have heard all our lives how important it is, yet over and over clients tell me that they don't drink enough water. How much do you really need? Just divide your weight by two and that's how many ounces a day you need. For example, a 130 lb. person needs 65 oz. a day or 8 - 8 oz. glasses, a 160 lb. person needs 80 oz. or 10 glasses, and a 190 lb. person needs 12 glasses. (Please note that caffeine and alcohol don’t count toward your daily amount - in fact, not only are they both acid forming to the body, they are also both diuretics so your hydration needs are even higher when you consume them!) 

Water is best consumed at several intervals throughout the day. Drinking one or two glasses upon awakening is an excellent practice as is drinking a glass an hour before each meal. (Water should not be consumed with or just after meals as is dilutes digestive juices and reduces nutrient assimilation.) The remainder can be sipped throughout the day — no more than a glass an hour or you’ll just pee it out rather than absorb it.

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People often say that the reason they don’t drink more water is that they don’t like the taste or that it’s boring. Try adding some fresh lemon or lime juice which is not only refreshing but very alkalizing to the body, or there is a huge selection of herbal teas available that are delicious either hot or cold. Whatever way you choose to do it, be sure to come up with a workable plan to consume an adequate amount each and every day for optimal health. It will amaze you how much better you'll feel!

Please note: Water purified by reverse osmosis or distillation has removed the minerals that are naturally present as well as the toxic ingredients - leaving the water slightly acidic rather than alkalizing. It is important to add minerals back to your water (with trace mineral drops, sea salt, green powders, lemons/limes, etc.) to return it to the way that nature intended it to be.

Personally, I purchased 2 liter size bottles with lids and they live on my kitchen counter. First thing each morning I fill them up so I can be reminded and keep track of my water intake throughout the day. That system works for me, but you can find whatever way works for you. The important thing is to DO it - you’ll be so glad you did!

As a Certified Diet Counselor and Holistic Nutrition Educator, I offer education and guidance about health factors that are within our own control — the use of nutritious foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle choices — and, by optimizing these factors, restore, develop, or maintain optimal  health, life quality and well-being. It is always my intention to present these basic principles of health in a way that is easy to understand and incorporate into your life. 

Happy, Healthy Living!

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