JoAnn’s Chicken Soup Recipe

"Chicken soup has acquired the reputation of a folk remedy for colds and flu, and in many countries is considered a comfort food." ~ Wikipedia


Chicken soup is renowned as something of a cure all. Preparing chicken soup for a loved one when they're sick has been a common practice throughout the world for centuries. As a therapy it can be traced back to 60 A.D., but the origins go back thousands of years earlier. Ancient physicians and philosophers believed it cured everything from bed wetting to leprosy, and studies have proven it’s effective in strengthening the immune response and clearing congested nasal passages when recovering from a cold or the flu. Nothing seems to soothe symptoms more and make you feel better than a nice warm bowl of soup when you are feeling ill.

To truly understand the soothing and healing effects of chicken soup, it’s important to consider the ingredients of this nutrition packed, low-fat, delicious and satisfying meal.

  • The clear broth is warm and soothing, and contains water and electrolytes that help with hydration. Drinking the warm liquid and inhaling the vapors increase the temperature of the nasal and respiratory passages - which loosens thick mucus that often accompanies respiratory illnesses.

  • Chicken provides the body with a complete source of protein that helps support the immune system to combat infection and is a good source of vitamins and minerals which boost immunity and help regulate digestion.

  • Noodles or rice provide an easily digestible source of carbohydrates that your body uses for energy and recovery as well as helping you feel full and satisfied.

  • Vegetables are a great source of Vitamin C and K as well as other antioxidants and minerals that not only help build a healthy immune system to fight off viruses, it also helps your body reduce inflammation and recover from illness more quickly.

At the very least, chicken soup with vegetables contains lots of healthy nutrients that are easy to digest and assimilate, increases hydration, and tastes good too. So the latest science suggests that, while chicken soup won’t cure you completely, it really does help with healing.

My love affair with chicken soup began years ago when I went on a very restricted diet to heal my gut. The only foods I was allowed to have were chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs, non-starchy vegetables, and brown rice. Not being a fan of plain brown rice, I came up with this recipe and pretty much lived on it - sometimes eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner - as my gut healed.  

It is now a year round "staple" recipe in my house and many of my family, friends, and clients as well. This "whole-meal" soup is delicious, nourishing, nurturing, satisfying, and filling - truly a "healthy" comfort food for sure!

Eat some, share some, freeze some - you'll be glad you did!


  • 2 Tbsp olive oil

  • 1 large onion, chopped

  • 1 cup carrots, chopped

  • 1 cup celery, chopped

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • 2 quarts chicken broth (I like Kettle & Fire Chicken Broth)

  • 2 cups green beans, cut in bite size pieces

  • 2 cups zucchini, sliced

  • 2 cups Swiss chard, chopped

  • 2 cups cooked brown rice

  • 1 ½ lbs chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces

  • large handful of fresh chopped parsley

  • salt & pepper

Sauté onion, carrots & celery in olive oil until tender; add garlic & cook for 1 minute more.  Add other ingredients, bring to a boil and simmer on low for 1 hour. Add parsley and season to taste.  Enjoy!

As a Certified Diet Counselor and Holistic Nutrition Educator, I offer education and guidance about health factors that are within our own control — the use of nutritious foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle choices — and, by optimizing these factors,  restore, develop, or maintain optimal health, life quality and well-being. It is always my intention to present these basic principles of health in a way that is easy to understand and incorporate into your life. 

Happy, Healthy Living!

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