Signs You Need to Detox
"The good news is - your body cleanses on a daily basis. It is Nature's gift to you that keeps illness away, gives you energy, and allows you to think clearly. But too many people are getting used to feeling "not so well". Too many people live with the painful effects of a toxic system and remain unbalanced in their thinking, emotions, and physical health. You certainly don't have to be one of them."
Detoxification is how our bodies get rid of waste. Our detoxification system, which includes our liver, kidneys, digestion, circulation, lymph, lungs and skin, is responsible for processing toxins. Toxins are any substances that create irritating and/or harmful effects in the body, undermining our health, or stressing our biochemical or organ functions. They occur on two basic levels. Externally we breathe them, ingest them, or come into physical contact with them. Internally our own body produces them through normal everyday functions. In addition, our thoughts, feelings, and stress all generate even more toxins.
The ability to detoxify and eliminate toxins largely determines an individual's health. Normally, a healthy functioning body is created to handle certain levels of toxins in a continual process in the body. However, an excessive intake or production of toxins OR a reduction is the process of elimination is where we get into trouble. As toxins accumulate, they slow down our metabolism, rob us of our energy, reduce our immunity, and can even lead to serious illness.
"Toxins are everywhere. But the answer isn't to get used to feeling less than your best. You can relieve the toxic load you are exposed to each day by supporting your body as it gently cleanses."
Low energy/fatigue/lethargy
Brain fog/unable to focus
Food cravings/blood sugar issues
Overweight/trouble losing weight/fluid retention
Sinus congestion/post nasal drip
Puffy dark circles under eyes
Mood swings/mental & emotional instability
Muscle aches/joint pain
Skin problems/acne/rosacea/rashes/itchy skin
Regular colds and flu/seasonal allergies
Food allergies/chemical sensitivity
White or yellow coated tongue/bad/breath/body odor
Overheating/excess sweating
P.M.S./other menstrual disorders
Sexual dysfunction
"Many times a list of symptoms reads like the human condition, with things that almost everyone experiences from time to time. What we're looking for here is how often it happens. Frequently feeling fatigued, frequently getting constipated or experiencing indigestion, etc. It's the frequency that matters."
Optimally, one should seriously cleanse and detoxify the body 2-3 times a year for general maintenance. During a “cleanse” the body, in its infinite wisdom, decomposes and burns only the substances and tissues that are damaged, diseased, or unneeded. As a result, one experiences increased health, energy, and vitality. Just as we need to balance activity with rest, it’s a good practice to give our body a vacation from the substances that stress it, so it can do its job better.
"In general, a cleanse is your opportunity to slow down, to quiet what's coming into your body, and to both scour and activate your systems of detoxification and elimination. Ultimately, this results in the benefits you desire: clarity, energy, internal healing, and an external vibrance all due to some deep detoxification."
Whether you are new to cleansing or an old pro and just want to tune-up your diet, the 23 DAYS TO A HEALTHIER YOU! Nutritional Cleanse Program is a gentle, easy, effective, and pleasurable way to cleanse the body from the inside out and transition to a more healthy way of eating for the rest of your life.
This 23 day on-line program will guide you, step by step, to reduce and then eliminate the foods that rob you of your health, and replace them with lots of delicious, nutritious, whole foods that will satisfy you completely while helping your body to remove toxins, rejuvenate, and heal.
The Autumn 2023 group program begins Wednesday, October 4th, or you can do the program independently anytime after that.