Spring Cleanse Your Body, Mind, & Spirit

"Anybody can benefit from a spring cleansing. The body is coming out of what might be called hibernation. It's a way you can jump-start your body for a more active life, a healthier life." ~ Linda Rector-Page, N.D., Ph.D., Detoxification

Spring is here and, once again, so is my desire to clear out all of the clutter and clean everything. In addition to cleaning up around our homes, this is also the perfect time to clear away toxins that clutter our bodies on the inside as well. After a long winter of indulging in heavier foods, breathing poor quality indoor air, and having less sunlight and less physical activity than usual, we can find ourselves feeling heavy, tired, sluggish, and toxic. A spring cleanse offers us the perfect opportunity to replenish, recharge, and renew ourselves on every level.

"This is a great time to clear away the toxins that clutter our bodies. We may not be able to see them, but we can sure feel them. A spring cleanse and detoxification program offers us an opportunity to refresh and renew ourselves on every level." ~ Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAC

The process of cleansing has been a part of the fabric of human life throughout history - not only to cleanse the body, but to regain a sense of perspective and direction in life. When we follow our natural rhythms, spring is the most important time for cleansing. In spring time, a new cycle begins and the body naturally wants to burn off the excess fat stored over the winter and lighten up. The natural cleansing process that occurs every spring is essential to the maintenance of our long term health. If we get excess toxicity out of our bodies fully and effectively now, in the spring time, then we are far more likely to remain healthy for the rest of the year. Weight gain and many problems of aging are the result of not paying attention to this need to cleanse.

“Many religions have fasting holidays in the spring. Lent, Ramadan, and Passover encourage fasting or calorie restriction. Mother Nature is encouraging the same.” ~ Dr. John Douillard

Giving special attention to liver health and detoxification is a spring time ritual in many cultures. As the days lengthen and we prepare for the increased activities of spring, our bodies respond by naturally mobilizing the eliminative organs of detoxification. While the colon, kidneys, lungs, and skin all play a major role in this cleansing process, it is the liver and gallbladder that are most in focus in springtime - the organs that are essential to detoxifying the body. To support that Mother Nature provides an abundance of spring produce that aids in the detox of the liver and gallbladder. A spring cleanse puts us in tune and supports this natural process, and helps lift the heaviness of winter physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

"According to the ancient tradition of Chinese medicine, spring is the season associated with the liver, which is the primary detoxifying organ of the body. Herbs and lifestyle practices to support the liver function were recommended by health care practitioners during this season in order to prevent problems in the following seasons." ~ ConsumingPassions.com

The liver is an amazing organ and has been identified as having over 500 vital functions - including detoxification, metabolic regulation, nutrient synthesis, hormone processing, cholesterol and bile production, and more. Holistic Nutritionist, Nicole Eckert, in her article 16 Early Warning Signs Your Liver is Sluggish and Toxins Are Being Stored in Your Fat Cells, lists the following symptoms of a stressed out liver:

  1. Chronic fatigue

  2. Negative emotions

  3. Brain fog/lethargy/feeling drained

  4. Dull headaches improved with rest or migraines behind eyes

  5. Chronic joint or muscle pain

  6. Excessive perspiration

  7. Trouble digesting fats

  8. Gall bladder removed

  9. Allergies

  10. Acne or skin conditions

  11. Gas, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea

  12. Hormonal imbalances

  13. Anxiety & depression

  14. Chemical sensitivities

  15. Chronic stinky breath

  16. Unexplained weight gain

Detoxification is the process the liver uses to break down and eliminate harmful substances from the body. Everything we eat, drink, breathe, and absorb eventually ends up in the liver to be detoxified.

"To explain what liver detoxification is, we can use the analogy of the oil filter in the engine of a car. The oil in the car over time becomes dirty as a part of the general day-to-day wear and tear. If this filter is not maintained and changed regularly, this filter becomes dirty, blocked and overworked, causing malfunction and eventual engine breakdown. This is exactly what happens in the body and can cause a range of symptoms so wide-spread they are often not identified as being related to each other, let alone related to the liver." ~ LiverDoctor.com

If you don't do a detox or cleanse any other time of year, please consider a spring nutritional cleanse - one that uses real, clean foods. Click on my blog, What Is Nutritional Cleansing, to learn more about this powerful practice.

Whether you are new to cleansing or an old pro and just want to tune-up your diet, Nutritional Cleansing is a gentle, easy, effective, and pleasurable way to cleanse the body from the inside out and transition to a more healthy way of eating for the rest of your life. Simply reduce or avoid the Nutritional Bandits (unfiltered water, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, gluten, dairy, beef/pork, bad fats, & chemical stressors). that rob you of your health when consumed regularly, and replace them with lots of delicious, nutritious, whole foods that will satisfy you completely while helping your body to remove toxins, rejuvenate, and heal.

For information about the 23 DAYS TO A HEALTHIER YOU! Nutritional Cleansing Program that I offer, click HERE:

Taking time to purify your body in the spring will bring increased energy, mental clarity, and balance to the entire system for greater health in the coming year ahead. Spring is a time of rebirth and new growth, and a perfect time to let go of what you don’t need and bring in what you desire as we harness this transformational energy of renewal.

As a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, I offer education and guidance about health factors that are within our own control — the use of nutritious foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle choices — and, by optimizing these factors,  restore, develop, or maintain optimal health, life quality and well-being. It is always my intention to present these basic principles of health in a way that is easy to understand and incorporate into your life. 

Happy, Healthy Living!


Start The New Year With A Nutritional Cleanse


February Nature Adventures