The Danger of Chemical Stressors
Bottom line is if you are consuming a food or beverage created in a lab instead of by nature, you can be assured your body doesn't recognize it, and doesn't have the enzymes necessary to break it down, metabolize or eliminate it.

Stocking My Kitchen for a Healthy Holiday Season
The holidays are coming!!! As I shop for Thanksgiving dinner this next week, I will also begin to stock my kitchen for the holiday season. With increased gatherings, activities, and gift shopping on top of our already busy schedules, it's a time when our healthy diet can seriously suffer! While I am all for enjoying the holiday season and the extra treats it brings, I also like to "make a plan" and stock my kitchen with lots of healthy choices so I don't end up reaching for something less healthy when tired, stressed, or in a hurry.

My Favorite Butternut Squash Soup Recipe
Butternut squash is a fall favorite and shines brightest when used as a base for a rich, warming soup. It's a type of fall-harvest squash with a sweet, nutty taste. The color signals an abundance of powerhouse nutrients and it's reported to have anti-inflammatory benefits as well.

Avoid Unhealthy Fats
There are two kinds of fats: “good” fats that are absolutely essential to health, and "bad" fats that are extremely detrimental to our health.

September Nature Adventures
I love to hike, take photographs of nature “the way God made it”, AND I love to eat healthy food! Combine them all together and I call it a self-care adventure. I hope that everyone who reads this page feels inspired to create your own nature adventures. ENJOY!

Boost Your Immune Health With An Autumn Cleanse
As summer's sun and fun gives way to shorter days and the slower pace of autumn, it's a natural time to yield to a quieter rhythm. Just as we see the trees shed their leaves and many animals move toward hibernation, we too can use this time to slow down our busyness, take stock of our lives, let go of what no longer serves us, and support our health. By gently cleansing physical, mental, and emotional toxins, we can greatly boost our energy and vitality in preparation for winter as well.

Signs You Need to Detox
The ability to detoxify and eliminate toxins largely determines an individual's health. Normally, a healthy functioning body is created to handle certain levels of toxins in a continual process in the body. However, an excessive intake or production of toxins OR a reduction is the process of elimination is where we get into trouble. As toxins accumulate, they slow down our metabolism, rob us of our energy, reduce our immunity, and can even lead to serious illness.

Welcoming Autumn
I attribute my Taurus rising sign to the fact that keeping my home and yard tidy and beautiful a priority for me. And it’s one of the numerous ways that I express my artistic creativity. Add in having Virgo parents and you’ll understand my strong work ethic of “taking care of business” and doing it well. AND if you know me at all, then you know that I’m passionate about healthy FOOD! So those are the topics of this week’s Welcoming Autumn blog.

Summer Nature Adventures
I love to hike, take photographs of nature “the way God made it”, AND I love to eat healthy food! Combine them all together and I call it a self-care adventure. I hope that everyone who reads this page feels inspired to create your own nature adventures. ENJOY!

Are You Getting Adequate Protein?
Consuming adequate protein is a REALLY important component of a healthy diet. It builds and repairs our bodies so it’s literally essential for life. This is true ALL of the time, and even MORE so when we have a health challenge.

Why You Should Reduce or Avoid Red Meat & Pork
Ethical and planetary reasons aside, there are many health reasons to reduce or avoid eating meat and pork. Research shows that “red meat” - which includes beef, lamb, and pork - along with processed products such as deli meat, ham, bacon, hot dogs, and sausage - are most dangerous when consumed frequently.

Healthy Ways To Start Your Day
Are your mornings mayhem or magical? You get to decide. Starting your day off right is important for overall health and happiness, and having a good morning routine can help you to wake up feeling like you have direction, purpose, and energy to go about your day.

Supplements For Optimal Health
Although we are meant to get the nutrients our bodies needs for optimal health from what we eat, it's nearly impossible to do so nowadays. With higher demands as we are exposed to more and more environmental toxins and stress filled lives, and the declining nutritional value of foods due to depleted soils and long transit times from garden to store, it just makes sense to invest in a good quality basic supplement program.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
Getting enough sleep, and the right kind of sleep, is just as important as food and water for your body. Inadequate or restless sleep can sabotage the success of your health program.

Your Eating Maturity Level
My favorite aspect is that Eating for Health™ says a person’s diet “can and naturally will evolve over time with changing circumstances,” suggesting that not only is there no one right diet but there is no one diet plan that will work forever, even for the same person.

Easy Gourmet Vegetables
An easy, delicious, nutritious, and colorful side dish to accompany your main entree for any occasion.

Got Milk? Maybe You Shouldn’t!
Most of us have grown up brainwashed to think that "everybody needs milk" or "milk does a body good". Why? Because the dairy association has spent millions in advertising as well as providing elementary schools with beautiful, free "nutritional" teaching materials. But the truth is, it "just ain't so"!

Chicken NOT Pie
This one-pot version was originally created by Mark Bittman. Skipping the high-fat pastry/crust used in a traditional pot pie, Bittman focused on the healthier aspects of the dish. However, the recipe I fell in love with is an even healthier version by Prevention Magazine. Since I can’t access that online anymore, I share that recipe with you here.

JoAnn’s Vegetable Pea Soup
Rather than just a starter dish, whole-meal soups can be a comforting and worthy meal for anyone looking to eat a little healthier.

JoAnn’s Favorite Salad Combo
A salad a day REALLY keeps the doctor away!!! Allowing yourself to become “addicted” to salad is one of the best steps you can take towards eating for optimal health.