Are You Getting Adequate Protein?
"It keeps your energy up and cravings at a minimum and builds muscles while burning fat, but it is often the one nutrient many lack in their diet: getting enough protein." ~ Fara Rosenzweig
Consuming adequate protein is a REALLY important component of a healthy diet. It builds and repairs our bodies so it’s literally essential for life. This is true ALL of the time, and even MORE so when we have a health challenge.
Several years ago I badly injured my ankle and foot resulting in a week of "rest, ice, compression, and elevation" and 10 weeks of wearing a maximum support brace to allow me to get around and see massage clients (my main source of income). Not surprisingly, at the end of each day I was seriously tired, needed to put my foot up, and the idea of preparing food was simply out of the question. The soup and salad bar at the local Whole Foods became my go-to source for food, with occasional meals from their hot food bar or at a local restaurant. While there are a lot of worse choices I could have made, I found myself getting more and more exhausted, craving carbs and caffeine, not sleeping well, and experiencing pain and inflammation in my muscles and joints that just wouldn't go away no matter what I tried.
Then I saw a recipe by Dr. Amy Myers for Grass-Fed Filet Over Lemon Zest Veggies. It sounded so good to me that I printed the recipe, went to Whole Foods and shelled out $28 for 2 small filet mignon steaks, and went home and devoured it. The next morning I woke up feeling MUCH better! As I was pondering that, I remembered a video and article about The Hidden Signs of Protein Deficiency by Dr. John Doulliard.
Dr. Doulliard states that the body stores much of its protein reserves in the synovial fluid around the joints, to be used to rebuild the muscles and joints after strenuous exercise. When one is protein deficient, this reserve is the first to go. As a result, the joints stiffen and the muscles tighten. This kind of pain does not typically respond to standard musculoskeletal care. In addition to muscle and/or joint pain, he also lists constant cravings for carbs, inability to sleep well, and low energy, moodiness and stress as the main symptoms of protein deficiency. WOW - that really got my attention... I definitely needed to pay better attention and up my protein consumption!
Additional signs that you might not be getting enough protein are:
slow recovery from injuries
hair, skin, and nail problems
fluid retention
getting sick regularly
brain fog
low libido
poor detoxification
digestive difficulties
estrogen dominance
blood sugar instability
weight gain
Dr. Doulliard goes on to say that red meat is the most acidic of all protein sources and the more acidic a substance, the deeper it penetrates the tissues and the better it stores - which probably explains why I felt so much better. After red meat is fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes (acid to akaline).
"Lucky for us, protein is available in many forms, raw and cooked. No matter what type of diet you follow, we have a number of ways to add more protein to our diets in a healthy and delicious way." ~ Lea Basch
Most people don’t get enough protein consistently throughout the day. And the elderly, athletes, those recovering from illness or injury, or people who are stressed, on a weight loss diet, or have digestive issues or low stomach acid are even more at risk of protein deficiency.
Often times we will reach for sugar or foods that turn into sugar when not consuming enough protein in our diet which can lead to blood sugar imbalances and weight gain. However, when adequate protein levels are maintained, it is often easier to manage cravings and weight since protein increases satiety, keeps us full longer, and helps curb the appetite.
Strive for a serving of protein the size of the palm of YOUR hand at every meal - including breakfast!!! Or if you’re a “numbers” kind of person, take your optimal body weight, divide in half and consume 1 gram of protein per pound. (For example, a 150 lb. person would need 75 grams of protein per day.) For most people, that means 20-30 grams at each meal.
Please note that it doesn't take much animal protein at all to meet your needs for a meal. 20-30 grams translates into approximately 3-4 ozs. of chicken, fish, beef, etc. - NOT the 8 ozs. plus that most people consume. (This is important because over-eating protein puts a strain on the liver and kidneys plus it may cause you to be over-acidic. Balance is key!) Be sure to select from naturally raised and fed sources of protein. Look for terms like grass-fed, certified organic, hormone and antibiotic free, and wild-caught.
On the other hand, while it's certainly possible to get enough protein as a vegetarian, one really has to be conscious and committed to do it. Legumes, grains, and the higher protein vegetables also have a high carbohydrate content, and nuts and seeds have a VERY high fat content as well – all of which can contribute to overweight. To get adequate protein as a vegetarian, I would suggest consuming LOTS AND LOTS of non-starchy veggies with a SMALL amounts of legumes, grains, starchy vegetables and nuts & seeds. IF you consume ENOUGH CALORIES of these nutrient rich foods, then you will get enough protein.