What Is Your Organizing Style?

“Organizing is not one size fits all. It’s about finding what system works for you.” ~ Cassandra Aarssen

Have you ever tried an organizing system and failed? Personally, I have always been an organized and tidy person - perhaps borderline OCD some might say. Clutter makes me CRAZY! And cleaning and organizing makes me HAPPY! So a few years ago, when Marie Kondo’s Netflix series Tidying Up came out, I happily “KonMaried” my whole house. I LOVED it, but when I talked with other folks I found that system didn’t work for everyone.

Then, during the pandemic lockdown, I started watching YouTube videos about decluttering, cleaning, and organizing (again, it makes me HAPPY!). Eventually, I found my way to Cassandra Aarssen’s Clutterbug channel. She has come up with 4 different organizing styles that make a lot of sense - so much so that she has her own TV series called Hot Mess House on HGTV. Her premise is that once you learn your style, its SO much easier to organize AND MAINTAIN your home .

In order to determine your personal style, you need to answer 2 questions:

  1. Do you prefer VISUAL storage or HIDDEN storage?

  2. Do you prefer DETAILED categories or BROAD categories?

The four Clutterbug organizing styles are:


    • Prefers VISUAL storage and BROAD categories

    • Needs easy and fast system

    • Out of sight, out of mind

    • Prefers hooks over hangers

    • Struggles to put things “away” when “away” is out of sight

    • Most children are “butterflies”

A butterfly is a visual organizer who needs big, broad categories, so the perfect solution when it comes to organizing is going with clear bins that are large and have no lids. You don't want to have a lid as a butterfly because it's all about being able to toss your things back in.

  1. CRICKET (traditional organizer, Marie Kondo TV series)

    • Prefers HIDDEN storage and DETAILED categories

    • Prefers everyday used items out of sight

    • Tends to pile until items can be put away properly

    • Can use most organizing systems

A cricket is a hidden organizer who needs small, detailed categories, so, the perfect organizing tool for a cricket is definitely going with solid, stacked bins. You want to have a lid so that you can stack and take advantage of that vertical space.


    • Prefers HIDDEN storage and BROAD categories

    • Needs fast easy systems

    • Prefers everyday used items out of sight

    • Tends to shove and hide when tidying up

    • Struggles to use detailed systems

A ladybug is a hidden organizer who needs big, broad categories, so the perfect organizing solution is going with big baskets without any lids because a ladybug needs to just toss their things away.

  1. BEE (The Home Edit TV series)

    • Prefers VISUAL storage and DETAILED categories

    • Out of sight, out of mind

    • Tends to pile until items can be put away properly

    • Prefers to see everyday used items

A bee is a visual organizer who needs small, detailed categories, so the perfect organizing solution is going with clear, stackable containers, drawers, LazySusan's—anything you can make very, very detailed.

If you need help figuring out your style, you can take the quiz HERE.

And for more information and inspiration, check out Clutterbug’s YouTube video HERE:

You may be asking yourself, “What difference does organizing my house make?” Well, here’s a list of some of the proven benefits:

  • Saves time in the long run = more free time!

  • Saves money

  • Reduces stress, anxiety, overwhelm, & depression

  • Helps declutter your brain = feeling lighter & better ability to focus

  • Improves sleep

  • Strengthens self-discipline, increases productivity, & boosts self-confidence

  • Promotes creativity

  • Sets a good example for kids & family members

  • Improves relationships

  • Cleaner, healthier environment

  • More aesthetically pleasing space = creates a welcoming environment for guests

  • Improves eating habits

Organizing your home can be truly life changing. Bottom line is you become happier. It’s not only about having an orderly and clutter-free home. It’s about enabling and supporting YOU to lead the life you want and deserve!

JoAnn Newton is a Master Massage Therapist, Certified Diet Counselor & Holistic Nutrition Educator, and Spiritual Counselor with a private practice in Graton, California.

Happy, Healthy Living!


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