Give Yourself A Vacation From Toxins with A Summer Cleanse

Summer is here and the first thing many of us associate with this season is "vacation" - a time to slow down, de-stress, rest, and relax. Well, it's also the perfect time to detox our bodies too.

Summer is full of new possibilities. With the warm weather comes new opportunities to be outside and enjoy time with your friends and loved ones. Not only is summer a great time to be outdoors, but it is also a great time to take control of your health. Summer is a great time to participate in a body cleanse, flushing out the toxins in your body, ensuring that you feel your best all summer long. 

We live in a toxic world. More and more research is showing how these toxins are affecting our internal environment. What we eat everyday matters. Habits add up and the bad ones take their toll. So, if you want a quick way to ramp up your energy, clear your mind, and lighten the toxic load on your body, trying a gentle, food-based cleanse can make a big difference in how you look and feel.

With the summer months upon us, now is a great time to take advantage of the benefits of cleansing and get your body and mood back into balance. Summer offers a bounty of cooling, water-filled, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables that are just what your body needs for a gentle and nourishing cleanse. You'll want to maximize your intake of this seasonal produce to harness and promote the healing potential of the season.

Summer is a also great time of year to hydrate our bodies and establish a feeling of lightness and balance. Water-filled fruits and vegetables are abundant this time of year and it's a sign from nature to lighten our diet in order to counter the summer heat. This practice helps to balance the body, mind, and spirit and reduce excess heat, irritability, anger, anxiety, and inflammation, which are common symptoms of too much heat in the body.

"I like to do a cleanse with the change of each season, as a reminder of good habits for a healthy eating plan and to get me out of whatever rut I might be in with cravings or addictions."


A cleanse is our opportunity to slow down, to quiet what's coming into our body, and to activate our systems of detoxification and elimination, resulting in feeling stronger, leaner, healthier, and better able to cope with the many challenges that life presents.


Whether you are new to cleansing or an old pro and just want to tune-up your diet, the 23 DAYS TO A HEALTHIER YOU! Nutritional Cleanse Program is a gentle, easy, effective, and pleasurable way to cleanse the body from the inside out and transition to a more healthy way of eating for the rest of your life.

This 23 day on-line program will guide you, step by step, to reduce and then eliminate the foods that rob you of your health, and replace them with lots of delicious, nutritious, whole foods that will satisfy you completely while helping your body to remove toxins, rejuvenate, and heal.
As we transition into summer, I invite you to give yourself a vacation from toxins and join us for 23 days to a healthier you!

The Summer 2023 group program begins Wednesday, July 5th, or you can do the program independently anytime after that.

As a Certified Diet Counselor and Holistic Nutrition Educator, I offer education and guidance about health factors that are within our own control — the use of nutritious foods, dietary supplements, and lifestyle choices — and, by optimizing these factors,  restore, develop, or maintain optimal health, life quality and well-being. It is always my intention to present these basic principles of health in a way that is easy to understand and incorporate into your life. 

Happy, Healthy Summer!


Tarragon Chicken with Vegetables


Tips for Eating Healthy Away From Home